Museums & Heritage
Click on the links below for reports, interviews & articles relating to heritage, tourism, museums & my work as historical consultant.
Report: Recording the Cultural Heritage of Convents
This report has two interlinked aims: a) to raise awareness of the urgent necessity to record convents & land associated with female religious orders &, b) to suggest ways to record the material culture & architectural & landscape heritage of Irish convents.
Report: Inception Development Operation
This report addresses the key challenges faced by those developing and operating site-specific museums and heritage sites and offers a number of recommendations and suggestions for anyone involved in the inception, development and operation of such sites.
Report: Beyond Storytelling
This report considers how the role of the museum has changed over time. It also examines how museums ensure that the stories they tell are informative, educational and entertaining and assesses different methods of weaving source material and evidence into the stories told.
Click the button below for information on my work as a historical consultant.
Click on the links below for interviews, talks and articles about a range of topic relating to museums, heritage and exhibitions from the potential for Dark Tourism in Ireland to behind the scenes of an exhibition.
Ireland and the Covid-19 Pandemic
In June I spoke at an event hosted by the Royal Irish Academy which considered Irish responses to the Pandemic
Show & Tell
In this recording Jessie Castle and I talk about how we created the ‘Changing Habits: 250 Years of Convent Life’ exhibition for Nano Nagle Place. We discuss (and show) some of the key sources and artifacts that we used when working on the exhibition including the ‘nun doll’ that you can see on the right. Much more about our collaborative work can be found at