The Darkness Echoing - interview & extracts

The Darkness Echoing was published on 1 October. Sadly, there could be no book launch to mark the occasion, but I did get to drop into the Ryan Tubridy Show on RTE Radio 1 to have a chat about it. Ryan thinks it’s 'dark, mischievous ...enlightening and educating’ and it is his ‘History Book of the Year’.

I recently popped into the wonderful Kenny’s Bookshop in Galway and did a short reading from the book.

And if an interview and one extract wasn’t enough for you here’s another short extract for RTE Brainstorm. Click HERE to read the article. I couldn’t be more pleased to have Mrs Doyle headline the piece.

Mrs Doyle.PNG

Finally, for anyone who has the book and is curious about what some of the sites mentioned in the book look like just click on The Darkness Echoing tab on the top of this page and it will bring you to a page of images for every chapter of the book.


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